My activities

Work & Leasure


My drive is bringing medicines that make a difference to patients. Modern science, translated to new drugs, contributing to the lives of people in need.


An ideal day would be sunny with scattered clouds, around 25 degrees, cruising in my Saga 20 boat on the Stille Plas (a small lake near my house), with my wife & friends, enjoying good food and wine or beer.

The big questions

The unknown is great, and there are still many questions to be answered. I contribute to answering some of them, and enjoy reading about others.

Who am I

Who am I

My professional expertise is bringing specialty medicines to patients. I am a builder: of creativity, of connections, of science. I am strategically strong, but not afraid to make my hands dirty, always with a positive attitude. I am an autonomous team player, and a bridge builder who is able to achieve win-win situations. I am very dedicated to the communities, companies and products I work for. My focus on biotech companies has provided me a broad and in-depth insight in the commercialization process of specialty medicines in various markets at a local as well as EMEA level. In my career I have successfully launched products, led and inspired teams, managed various stakeholders and developed new programs in the orphan drug space as well as big pharma. The last couple of years I have developed an interest (and talent) in implementing and growing company culture in with special attention for promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the workplace.

My favorites

some random pictures
the dogs
the dogs
Nonno en Nonna
Nonno en Nonna

Selected projects

Examples of work I am proud of.

My PhD thesis